Comments;: I grew up on a farm/ranch and we were given a Holstein Bull calf by our friends who owned a dairy. The calf was born with rickets, which is a bone disorder and the dairyman thought that as the calf grew he would not be able to walk and he didn’t want to spend the money and time to fix one calf. We brought it home and my sister and I took care of it, we named him Calfcalf btw, sounds stupid but we were kids! Well, Calfcalf started growing and the splints my dad made for him worked really good because soon he was running around playing with us! We loved Calfcalf! When he was fully grown his legs were as straight as arrows and because he was raised by two little girls he was as gentle as a kitten! We rode him like our horses and treated him with tons of love, and in the end he was 1200 or so lbs and the day came when we came home from school and Calfcalf went from the field to the freezer. We cried our heads off, but Calfcalf tasted wonderful!
I’m in Central Queensland, Australia. The most common type of cattle here are Brahman types. They cope better with the subtropical climates, have a thick hide to protect them from the spear grass, are drought resistant and tick resistant. There’s a big problem with ticks here.
The calf was born with rickets, which is a bone disorder and the dairyman thought that as the calf grew he would not be able to walk and he didn’t want to spend the money and time to fix one calf. We brought it home and my sister and I took care of it, we named him Calfcalf btw, sounds stupid but we were kids! Well, Calfcalf started growing and the splints my dad made for him worked really good because soon he was running around playing with us! We loved Calfcalf! When he was fully grown his legs were as straight as arrows and because he was raised by two little girls he was as gentle as a kitten.