Cole Sonne, you are amazing! Botanist, knee recuperatist,MoCotist,backupitist into barn, now baleist. You are just a plain jack of all tradeist . Still prayin that knee hurry’s up and gets better quick. Can’t wait to see the clave deliveratist in action.
Huge amount of respect and love from Iceland towards Cole for taking time and effort, specially with his leg problem, to get those great shots!!!
Thanks for the info about the milkweed plant. I didn’t know that. So thankful y’all didn’t lose all of that field of hay. Prayers for rain for all that need it. Thanks for feeding us. I enjoy a good black angus steak!! Glad your knee is improving.
Hey Sonne Farms! Thanks for giving me a healthy dose of “smiler’s cramps” through out this video! And to top it all off, Phil. 4:6 covered even/as well the Eternal aspects of this temporal life with its ups and downs. At 74 and a farmer in some way shape or form all my life I can appreciated every aspect of this video. Haying was one thing I prided myself in and the smell of good alfalfa being made is gleefully intoxicating. My sister six years older than me, cut hay with a team of horses at age 9. Nowadays parents would be trifling with jail pulling off that kind of “help desperation!” Mercy. I trust, hope, pray your knee heals up perfectly. In Yahweh’s love and my care, see you on the “streets of gold.” mg
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