<div id="comment-content" class="style-scope ytd-comment-renderer"> <div id="content" class="style-scope ytd-expander">The Park-Car was invented by Brooks Walker in the 1930s and patented in the 1950s. The car included a fifth wheel that allowed it to rotate in and out of parking spaces, as well as turn in a full circle.</div> </div> <div id="toolbar" class="style-scope ytd-comment-action-buttons-renderer"> <div id="reply-button" class="style-scope ytd-comment-action-buttons-renderer"></div> <div class="yt-spec-button-shape-next__icon" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape--touch-response" aria-hidden="true"></div> </div>